Advance Directive
Call Us: 575-437-0890
To ensure proper adherence of patients' advanced directives.
1. The following protocols will be adhered to by SNMSC when patients are receiving services within the organization:
- The right to be informed of the availability of an advanced directive.
- The right to have a current advanced directive becomes a part of the permanent medical record at Southern New Mexico Surgery Center.
- The right to have written information concerning SNMSC policies on advance directives
- The right to request a description of applicable state health and safety laws
- The right if requested official State advance directive forms.
2. Southern New Mexico Surgery Center, LLC will base the advanced directive policy and purpose, which includes whether or not to use it, and will provide written information to each such individual concerning:
- An individual's rights under State Law (whether statutory or as recognized by the courts of the State) to make decisions concerning such medical care, including the right to formulate advance directives, and
- The written policies of the provider or organization respecting the implementation of such rights,
- Not to condition the provision of care or otherwise discriminate against an individual based upon whether or not the individual has executed an advanced directive.
3. SNMSC may decline to implement elements of an advance directive; specifically in regards to advanced life savings techniques. SNMSC would always attempt to resuscitate a patient and transfer that patient to a hospital in the event of deterioration. A copy of the Advanced Directive if provided will be brought to the accepting hospital.
Patient Portal
Medical Passports are secure, online patient-controlled accounts that provide medical history information.
Pay your Bill
Southern New Mexico Surgery Center offers an easy way for patients to pay your bill.
CareCredit is a healthcare credit card designed for your health and wellness needs for you, your entire family and your pets.
In the News
Southern New Mexico Surgery Center is a 2020 National APEX Quality Award Winner.
Southern New Mexico Surgery Center
2301 Indian Wells Rd. Suite B
Alamogordo, NM 88310
Phone: 575.437.0890
Fax: 575.437.0905